
Don’t Let the Big One Get Away: Keep Your Nonprofit Executive Search Process on Track

by Steve Byers
Senior Search Consultant, The Moran Company
“We Find Great Nonprofit Executives”


Every angler knows the adrenaline rush of hooking a big fish. There’s nothing quite like the thrill of reeling in the catch of the day—or maybe a lifetime!

But everyone who knows that thrill is also well acquainted with the sinking feeling if that big fish breaks the line or spits the hook out of its mouth. Just like that, our excitement can turn to disappointment.

Like trophy fish, great nonprofit executives are not easy to find. And when you do, the last thing you want to happen is to lose them because of long delays in the search process. Here are some tips to help you avoid delays and keep the search process moving forward:

  1. Establish a timeline at the outset of a search and stick to it. If the quality of the applicant pool is not what you are looking for, you can always extend the search on the back end until you find the right person. But don’t risk losing high quality candidates because of long delays in setting up your search milestones. If you choose to partner with a third party, a trusted search firm like The Moran Company can help establish the right timeline for advertising, active outreach and interviews.
  2. Identify the key decision-makers and agree to the hiring process up front. Adding additional people and approval layers at the last minute can slow down the hiring process by critical days or even weeks. It can also be unsettling to candidates to keep springing new, unexpected hoops on them to jump through. For an Executive Director search, selecting respected members for your search committee and empowering them to make decisions on behalf of the organization until final candidates are presented is key.
  3. Reserve interview dates on the calendar long in advance. Scheduling busy people is always a challenge and the best way to address that challenge is to plan ahead. Otherwise, you can narrow your field down to finalists only to find that the first time all your key decision-makers can get together is a month away.
  4. Communicate with early candidates. The Moran Company likes to dedicate at least six weeks to active recruitment during the middle phase of our search efforts. As a result, we make a special effort to reach out to high quality candidates who apply early on in the process. This lets them know that we’re interested in them and what to expect in terms of timing for the search. Otherwise, they might move on to other opportunities.
  5. Be prepared to make a decision. Once your search firm and search committee have done their due diligence, make your selection quickly. Even though there may be some trade-offs between candidates, there will be one emerge who best fits your ideal profile and organizational culture. Leaving candidates hanging for an inordinate amount of time while you’re deliberating can reflect poorly on your organization and isn’t a great way to start a vital relationship.

Keep in mind that outstanding executives are often being recruited for more than one position at a time. Making sure that your search is moving forward in a timely fashion is one of the best ways to prevent them from being hired out from under you by another organization. Don’t let the “big one” get away!

If your nonprofit organization could use our recruiting assistance to reel in the right Executive Director or senior fundraising professional, contact us today for a free 30-minute consultation. We have been fishing in the nonprofit talent pool for decades. Because we know the waters so well, we catch the best fish in the sea! For more tips on how to keep big talent on the line, read more about our 9 Ways to Attract the Best Nonprofit Leadership”.


© 2019 The Moran Company, “We find great nonprofit executives.” We specialize in searches for nonprofit executive directors, directors of development/fundraising staff, and other top nonprofit leadership.