
Hiring Development/Fundraising Staff – How to Identify Top Candidates

by William J. Moran, J.D., M.S.Ed.

Assume you are doing an executive search for a top development/fundraising position.  Here are some suggestions on where to go to identify top candidates.

  1. Ask fundraising consultants.  Consultants spend their days working closely with a variety of development staff in many different settings.  They, better than anyone else, know the top fundraising staff.
  2. Seek out the local fundraising chapter of the AFP (Association of Fundraising Professionals), PPP (Partnership for Philanthropic Planning), AHP (Association for Healthcare Philanthropy) or other fundraising association.  This will link you with the professional fundraising network; a great place to get recommendations on fundraising candidates.  I have found chapter board members responsive and generous with their time and suggestions.  Caveat: Sometimes top leadership in these chapters will recommend others who are also heavily involved in the chapter because those are the individuals they know.  Just because a person is active in the chapter does not mean they are effective fundraisers.
  3. Seek out nonprofit organizations that have a history of strong fundraising.  This will lead you to individuals who have been exposed to solid development activities.  Caveat:  Being exposed to a successful fundraising system does not necessarily mean that person is an effective fundraiser.  He or she may be ready to leave that organization because s/he does not meet its fundraising standards.
  4. Hire a recruiter who has a development/fundraising background.  A recruiter’s fundraising experience allows them to interact with fundraising staff as a peer.  He or she knows the questions to ask to identify fundraising productivity and skills.

Bill Moran, The Moran Company,  specializes in executive searches for fundraising staff and executive directors.

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