
Interviewing For Nonprofit Executives – Are You “Recruiting” or “Interviewing”?

by William J. Moran, J.D., M.S.Ed.

“Recruiting” or “Interviewing.”  They are different approaches and we need to be aware of which mode we are in when we conduct a nonprofit executive search.

A trusted source may tell me that a certain individual would be a “great fit” for the open position but this individual is not actively seeking a position (we call them “passive” candidates).  When I approach him or her, I am in a “recruiting” mode.  I simply try to activate interest in the position by the following:

  1. Get an introductory meeting such as “having coffee.”
  2. Establish rapport with him or her.
  3. Provide good information about the hiring nonprofit organization and position.
  4. Seek out questions from the candidate that I can address about the position.
  5. Strive for an outcome where the candidate is willing to take a “next step.” This may include a tour of the nonprofit organization or a meeting with the organization’s CEO.

In a “recruiting mode”, I ask fewer questions about the candidate’s qualifications and stay away from difficult questions.  Only when I am aware that the candidate does have an active interest, do I ask for a resume.

On the other hand, in an “interviewing mode”, I do the following:

  1. I spend the bulk of the interview going down the candidate’s background and qualifications.
  2. I do not hesitate to ask difficult questions.

When conducting an executive search, a recruiter has to be careful or we may find that we have been in a recruiting mode with a candidate and then suddenly this person becomes a top candidate for the position.  Yet no one has thoroughly gone down the individual’s qualifications and asked the tough questions.

This is where multiple interviews with other participants are invaluable. You may be in a recruiting mode that gets the candidate through the screening process.  However, once the candidate gets into semifinal and final interviews, their qualifications should be thoroughly vetted.

Bill Moran, The Moran Company, specializes in nonprofit executive searches for fundraising staff and executive directors.

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“We find great nonprofit executives”

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