
Planned Giving – Location of Assets Form

by William J. Moran, J.D., M.S.Ed.

This is a helpful form to give your planned giving donors to assist them with estate planning.

The Location of Assets Form includes two parts: 1) A page to list the location of all important financial and legal documents, and 2) A page to list the contact information for key advisors, relatives, and close friends.

View or Download Location of Assets Form:  PDF  or  Word format

Following is a sample cover letter to accompany the Location of Assets Form:

Dear __________________ Supporter:

Use this form to record the location of your assets and valuable papers. Then give it to a trusted advisor or family member to use when needed.

As you think about your estate plan, we hope you will consider a bequest for the ____________________ of ________________, to help continue our mission to ___________________________.

(Name and Signature)
Executive Director (Or Planned Giving Committee)


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